Friday, May 22, 2009

Tinker is no longer merely the name of my late cat.

Thanks to 3 minute Adage for their video on the launch of Tinker in which they described a service that aggregates and curates real time conversations online using Twitter as their platform. This has great potential for catching positive sentiments surrounding our brands... read more below in an article from Tech Crunch.

Twitter has become one of the most effective ways to catch and track breaking news in real-time. It also has become an invaluable resource for tracking chatter on major events, from conferences to the NCAA Basketball Tournament.
The problem has been that there has been no single place to easily track the chatter on Twitter. Hashtags, Twitter searches, and Twitter apps like monitter all have some functionality, but aren’t comprehensive approaches to event tracking.
However, Glam Media, a popular advertising and publishing network, has launched its solution to the event tracking problem. Dubbed Tinker, it’s both a social media service that makes it easy to track specific trends and news, and also a fully-fledged Twitter Web interface that has a monetization model for brand advertisers.

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