Friday, August 1, 2008
QR is so cool

p8t.ch is now offering a geek fashion accessory they call the “Commando Nerd Patch”. It’s a Qr coded patch you can place anywhere as a way for people to access your website, or anything else on the web you would want to link to. Like a physical TinyURL p8t.ch links to your URL through their server.
This fictional conversation from the p8t.ch website will explain:
THEM: “Excuse me! Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.”
YOU: “Wonderful! Simply scan the p8tch on my shoulder.”
THEM: [scans the p8tch: BEEP!] “Thank you, I have just subscribed to your RSS feed in Google Reader.”
"Matching (digital) Luggage anyone?"
These designs are really easy to do and you can stick them up on any gadgets including Mobile Phones, Bluetooth Headphones, Mp3 Players, Laptop, PDA, Gaming Device, Digital Cameras, Calculators, Printers, Routers, Guitar, etc…
This is really easy to do and looks really great. Unlike etching you can change the design whenever you want and it won’t leave any marks on the devices and its not even as expensive as etching. Skinning a mobile phone will cost you around $15 and a laptop around $30.
I am sure we can go nuts with XXXX angel laptops covers, mobiles and iPods!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
More alternative reality gaming for the Dark night lauch - this time from Brazil
After the two Alternate Reality Games held in May, Warner has launched different initiatives to promote “Batman: The Dark Knight” in Brazil.
The first is the promotion of the local version of the “Why so serious?” website, which allows users to have their photos scribbled on by the Joker, and the blog Eu Acredito em Harvey Dent (which translates to “I Believe in Harvey Dent”), a place where internet users can find information about Harvey Dent, the candidate for District Attorney in the movie. At the blog, users can also find all the campaign material used in the film. The Youtube channel “haahhahaa” brings trailers of famous Warner movies - edited and ridiculed by the Joker, to show his displeasure with the company. A phone number appears during these trailers. Those who call the number hear a message from the Joker himself.
Finally, Warner’s latest initiative is being held in partnership with mobile phone operator Claro and Nokia. Participants search for hidden letters with the help of tips revealed in the website www.cartasescondidas.com.br (hiddenletters.com.br). Each letter is worth points and the five people with most points win a Nokia N95 phone, loaded with content from the film. Another 495 people will win tickets to see the movie.
[via Direto do Forno]
Oh and for the record - I LOVE THIS FILMJust to give you an idea of the lenghts Warner have gone to to build an alternative reality around this movie, check out the ARG wiki - seriously a lot of activity: http://batman.wikibruce.com/Home
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Interactive displays and projections
Live hologram of Telstra CEO hosts conference - Musion from the UK are behind Australia's first look at a real time, 3D holographic projection. Sort of fitting that Telstra yet again makes a splash by showcase something that isn't theirs :).
Some work from De-Construct in the UK: Interactive shop front

– Create an innovative launch idea for a new loyalty / credit card
– Integrate with the above the line advertising, which used the Dean Martin song ‘That’s Amore’
– Use a combination of interactive technology and an innovative audio application to turn the M&S flagship branch on Oxford Street into a live brand experience
– Install a system triggered by passers-by that would serenade them down the street with the
‘Amore’ soundtrack
– Enable the lyrics displayed across a series of plasma screens to change colour in response to people’s clothing colour
– Research on 2 store windows at M&S on Oxford Street showed that the interactive window increased the number of passersby who stopped and looked at the windows by 1500%
– Acknowledged as a ground breaking use of interactive technology for retail window marketing
Smart shoe wall

–Customers can choose a shoe and place it on a reader to receive rich media content
- 171 smart shoe walls are in use in
adidas flagship stores in the US and are being rolled out to Europe
Monday, July 28, 2008
New York Times links up with LinkedIn
The New York Times will be able to serve targeted web stories to business and technology users following a deal with social networking site LinkedIn.
Aiming to strengthen its audience among the business community, NYTimes.com will show five relevant headlines in a right-hand box, with stories selected based on the industry, location, role, company and gender of the user's LinkedIn profile.
A LinkedIn button next to stories will invite users to share and discuss news with contacts on their LinkedIn network.
Users need to activate their LinkedIn account within NYTimes.com to launch the service.
NYTimes.com's objective is to increase the volume of traffic from business executives and the entrepreneurial community, which is a valuable audience for advertisers.
"This relationship expands NYTimes.com's targeting capability and creates a powerful incentive for advertisers to leverage LinkedIn's and NYTimes.com's combined reach of the business community," said Denise Warren, the senior vice-president and chief advertising officer for the New York Times Media Group.
"Advertisers are constantly looking for context, content and quality brands and this approach delivers just that."
LinkedIn claims that 25 million professional people have registered with the site since it launched in May 2003, while measurement firm Nielsen Online estimated that NYTimes.com scored 17.7 million unique users during June.
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