Below is a great list of sites that make it easy for you to download the pics you snap on your mobile to social networking sites etc. Thanks again to NGT.
Zooming in on Mobile Photo-Sharing
Cameras have become a standard feature on phones. Many young people don’t even carry cameras anymore, but snap shot and low-res shot on their handsets. A bit grainy and blurred? Who cares! They will take convenience over quality any day. And it’s not about content anyway, it’s about socialization.But soon they won’t have to make any sacrifices. As mobile evolves, cameraphones will soon sport 5, even 8, megapixels as the norm. This will only bolster the lifecasting trend–recording and sharing moments via photos and videos. They will increasingly want to share photos and hear comments from others wherever they go. This opens the market wide open mobile photo-sharing platforms, which become yet another tool to connect them with their friends. Here are a few players in the space that caught our eye:

A free downloadable application. Once downloaded to your mobile, you can easily upload your photos and videos to over 30 online social network, blog and photo sites. It supports a variety of phones and has features like geo-tagging and friend’s feed.
Easy way to send your photos on mobile to Twitter, Jaiku, Wordpress, Tumblr, Blogger and Flickr via MMS or email. Your friends will receive your post notification when you upload photos. Only cost for sending MMS by your carrier.

Create your customized mobile wap page and manage your photos, video and audio. It’s only for treemo’s online and mobile channels. Subscribe to your friend’s channel and check your friend’s photos in your mobile page.
Create your Cellblock though the website and upload/share photos to other SNS or blogs. You can also access Cellblock on your mobile to view and publish photos.
Turn your cameraphone into a Japanese photo booth and add graphics and drawings on the top of your photo. Rate other people’s photos and chat with them on website. Fun, but it’s too bad you can’t send photos from your mobile to other channels.

Create your Cellblock though the website and upload/share photos to other SNS or blogs. You can also access Cellblock on your mobile to view and publish photos.

Turn your cameraphone into a Japanese photo booth and add graphics and drawings on the top of your photo. Rate other people’s photos and chat with them on website. Fun, but it’s too bad you can’t send photos from your mobile to other channels.

Real-time sharing of mobile pictures and videos with your friends. Key features: the Radar Player lets you share photos from your phone to your webpage or social network; the Radar Notifier lets you know when your friends post and comment.
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